Sunday, October 18, 2020

We're Still Here

We're just hiding from you. We're lounging on the back porch in the last warm Fall sunbeams, soaking up the good weather before winter arrives.

Don't fret, we're not hiding. It's just been the typical cornucopia of excuses in why we haven't posted in months. You would think that with staying at home we would have more time, but it seems like we've been busier than ever.

And it hasn't helped one bit that John got an actual job. As in a real job, where he has to go into an office every day and work. It's adjustment. That's an understatement. It's like saying 2020 has been difficult. An understatement. 

So we'll do what we always do, give you a cute deaf dog picture and promise to post more frequently. I think you all know what to do with that promise.

Stay safe and stay healthy. This too shall pass. Pet your dogs and hug the people in your quarantine circle. We'll get through this together.