Friday, March 22, 2013

Squirrel In the Office

I was sitting home debating what to have for lunch when I got a picture and text message from Alycia.  The picture was her desk at work (at the University of North Dakota).  I couldn't really make much out of the picture, so it was difficult to tell what the deal was.  The text message was more helpful.  It said:

"I had a squirrel in my office this morning.  He ate my candy and peed on my desk. This is the aftermath after the facilities guy caught him with his garbage picker-upper stick"
I'm no wildlife expert but I think is terrible behavior for a squirrel. I understand eating the candy, but peeing on someone's desk?  That squirrels' Mama obviously didn't teach him (or her) right.

After I got done laughing and laughing I commiserated with Alycia at her bad squirrel fortune.  


Anonymous said...

Hilarious. I bet the squirrel was marking territory and telling all the other squirrels this desk is off limits. Candy makes a squirrel might happy I bet.

El Gaucho said...

This was one of those textbook "it's hilarious when it happens to someone else" moments. I couldn't stop laughing, but Alycia was none too happy. I also thought the Hantavirus jokes I made were very funny but she didn't concur.

Apparently the squirrel ate all the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (about a dozen), some Skittles, and some Reese's Pieces from the candy jar. All the candy must have given the critter a seriously upset tummy as there were runny squirrel poops all over the place. Alycia is spending a few hours today cleaning her office, and she's none too happy about it. It's still funny though...

Karen said...

Oh, my! Bad squirrel! A case of an hyperactive rodent with the soupy-poopies is never a good thing. How did the squirrel get into the building? What a mess; poor Alycia.

El Gaucho said...

I'm thinking that I'll have to craft a follow up post about the squirrel antics, but lets just say that: 1) the squirrel was apparently no stranger to the building and 2) he won't be back in the building ever again, and 3) the university facilities department is woefully prepared for squirrel incursions, despite the fact that they happen regularly.

Sara said...

Ohmygoodness! Please don't tell Leesh that I was laughing....

El Gaucho said...

Don't worry Sara, I was laughing my ass off as well. This is one of those textbook "it's hilarious if it happens to someone else" stories.