Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Garden Update Pictures

Raised bed with peppers, marigolds, and onions (you have to look for them a bit), as well as the odd volunteer tomato that we allowed to grow.  The onions have done great, and we'll have to do some research to learn how to properly cure and store them.  The peppers always seem to start off very slowly but have come on strongly in the last week.  I think we're going to have a pepper roasting party pretty soon.  We may then freeze the peppers or store/can them in some olive oil and garlic, again more research is needed here. 
North Dakota, and the Red River Valley especially, is known for its potatoes, so it's no surprise that they've done well here.  Hopefully there are a bunch of happy little spuds under there when we go to unearth them.  We're also going to do a bit of research to see how to cure the potatoes so that they store longer.
One row of apple trees, with zucchini and cucumbers in between, and white and purple sweet alyssum flowers on the end to encourage visits from beneficial insects. 
A slightly wider angle shot showing both rows of apple trees with veggies between them.  The extremely unruly tomato (more on this later) raised bed box is off to the left.

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