Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Frost Warning

The locally respected Farmers Almanac says that the average first frost date for our neck of the woods - Grand Forks, North Dakota is September 27.  That isn't stopping Mother Nature from trying to send us freezing weather two weeks earlier than the average first frost date.  The weather forecast is for freezing weather tonight/Wednesday morning and possibly Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

We'll tuck in the tomatoes and peppers in a nice warm blanket overnight to make sure they stay warm and cozy.  It seems like it's too early in the season to be worrying about frost, heck it's not even officially autumn yet, but you can't argue with Mother Nature, she's gonna do what she's gonna do. 


Sara said...

Wait - didn't you just comment that it was too hot to turn on the oven? Crazy weather!

El Gaucho said...

Yup. And by the end of the week it should be high temps back in the mid to upper 70's. North Dakota weather is weird!!

Karen said...

How did you fare on Wednesday night? We had a light frost, but tonight (Thursday) is supposed to be worse. I hope I found enough afghans to keep every petunia toasty.

El Gaucho said...

We actually didn't get hit too bad, not 28 degrees like they were predicting, but just a light frost.