Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Great Backyard Bird Count 2014

We participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count of 2014.  And if you also want to participate, there's plenty of time - it runs the whole weekend February 14 to 17. All you have to do is set aside at least 15 minutes to record the birds that you see in your back (or even front) yard.

Check out the Great Backyard Bird Count website.

Alycia spent about a half hour counting birds (I helped quite a bit).  For being a "scientist" in her professional life, Alycia's methodology for counting birds lacks a certain scientific quality at times, but that's OK. We still love her despite her abhorrent aberrations from proper scientific bird counting methods.

Here's what we ended up counting:
  • 10 sparrows
  • 2 chickadees
  • 2 nuthatches
  • 1 American crow
Not the most exciting list by any means.  Not as exciting as last Spring when we saw all manner of awesome birds: Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Baltimore Oriole, Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, and American Goldfinches.  Soon Spring will return and so will the awesome bird sightings.
Photo Credit

With a little luck, we'll see this awesome Scarlet Tanager again this Spring. First we need a little bit of snow melting to happen...that may take some time.  


Karen said...

I'm going to count the birds in our yard tomorrow, but I guess the six mixed breed chickens won't be included since they're not migratory. I've never seen anything as beautiful as a Scarlet Tanager, now that's one pretty bird.

Anonymous said...

You did have a better selection of birds last year. I never saw a Scarlet Tanager here, they certainly rival our cardinals. When the colonists first saw the Cardinal, they named it the Red Bird, until they spotted the Tanager and realized what a dumb name that became since the Cardinal was not the only bright red bird around.

El Gaucho said...

Karen - Yes I think the folks that organize the Bird Count might not want you to report the chickens, though that would be funny. Those birder folks can be an odd lot and might not take too kindly to such humor.

GWGT - We're looking forward to Spring and Scarlet Tanagers, though I would still trade the few Spring sightings of Scarlet Tanagers for Cardinals all winter long, that would be a treat.