Monday, February 12, 2018

Shadowfax Watches the Westminster Agility Trials

Shadowfax has never shown any interest in watching television, but this weekend the Westminster Agility Trials were on and she was very excited. She was happy to see at least one competitor that looked like her - a spotted American Staffordshire Terrier. He didn't win, but he made at least one new fan.
She watched intently for a few minutes then returned to lounge in front of the fire. Luckily none of the pups have a tendency to watch too much TV, so we've never had to discuss limiting their screen time. 


Karen said...

Awww, look at Shadowfax, she is really intrigued, isn't she? Soon you'll have to be installing fence posts for her to weave through.

El Gaucho said...

Karen - So good to hear from you!

A few years we might have tried such things with Shadowfax. But now she's more content to lounge in front of the fire or spend the afternoon lolling in a sunbeam than doing anything sporting. It's possible she learned that from me...