Friday, October 9, 2009

Quiet Time

It's been a bit quiet from the Deaf Dog Blog for the past few days due to my Dad coming out to visit - our first official out of town visitor!!! Our grand plans of golfing multiple days were thwarted by 30 to 45 degree temps, brisk breezes, and some precipitation.

The precipitation is the big item of the day. Yesterday it was chilly and a few rogue snowflakes fell from the sky. I immediately alerted my Dad who was dutifully impressed, apparently snow is a rare sight in San Diego, especially this time of year. But today was a different story, flakes have been falling aplenty, and there is talk of actual accumulation overnight. Accumulation? But it's only October.

It is a bit tiring playing tour guide, so I'm gonna keep this entry short and sweet and go take myself a nap. More information and funny stories of my Dad's visit down the road a bit, right now I'm gonna drift off to sleep as I watch the flakes drift down from the heavens.

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