And, I must be honest, it was a very easy process. The most time consuming part is letting the beets boil long enough so that they are tender. Then you put them in cold water and their skins just slide right off. This took about half an hour. I also had to deal with the frozen beets that had already been de-skinned. I put them in the oven to defrost (they were a slightly different texture than the fresh beets and so the verdict is still out on how well they will take to the pickling process).
Once they were de-skinned, I chopped them up into slices and chunks.
Lots of beets.
Chopping beets does make your fingers purple...
2 c. water
2 c. vinegar
2 c. sugar
1 t. cloves
1 t. allspice
1 T. cinnamon
We then put the jars in a water bath for 20 minutes and voila - pickled, canned beets!
It was a pretty easy recipe. We haven't yet tried the beets, but I'm optimistic. And, if I don't like them, my mom was very excited about them so we'll give them to her!
This post takes me back down memory lane. My mother always canned beets every year and I'd always leave the house because for some reason, I can't stand the smell of them boiling. (I am weird.) And I've never actually tasted one, either. But that deep maroon color, oh, if I could reproduce that in glass, how beautiful.
I'm sure I'm missing out and one day I will indeed give them a taste test. Your recipe sounds delicious!
My mom did the same. But she was the only one that liked them. I do like beets, just like them hot and buttery.
Looks like we're all going to be eating beets this fall, good thing they're so good for us :) They do look extra special in a glass jar!
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