Thursday, October 13, 2011

Family Visit

We had most of the family out for a visit last week, their annual fall trip to North Dakota is becoming a well loved tradition.  In addition to the usual cast of characters, this trip included a new group member, our new nephew Jacob. 
Jacob and his Dad enjoyed our rocking chair and took time to give puppy lots of pets.  The puppy loved Jacob, giving him constant kisses and wagging her tail non-stop the entire time.  Puppy was closely supervised with him, as Alycia and I are super cautious, but Jacob has five doggie pals at home and does well around them
Jacob and his Dad pose for the camera while puppy pants nearby, exhausted from all her kissing and wagging.
Breakfast time for this little red-haired munchkin.


Karen said...

Aw, Jacob is adorable! And what a head of hair, wow, what a cutie.

It's really nice that Puppy likes little children, not all dogs do. Even my little ankle-biter Shih Tzu's aren't all that fond of kids, but that's also in part due to the fact they don't enjoy being towed around by their tails or ears. It ain't easy bein' a little dog.

And that watermelon from your previous post, wow, that looked good from here, who cares if there's seeds, I bet it was delicious.

Anonymous said...

wow, sounds great, must be nice to be invited to those things instead of most of your family just doing it with out telling you.