Friday, November 5, 2010

My First Guest Posting

I was honored by a recent request from Sara at Sweet Somethings to do a guest post on a blog she writes for - From Blah to Ta-Daa.  Sara is a super good friend of Alycia, an amazing cook and baker, and has one of the best behaved pooches you'll ever see.  Seriously, I can't tell you how many pictures I've seen of her dog Rory with food/treats balanced on the end of his nose (scroll down through these links here and here for examples) or on his head (here).

I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention Sara's amazing cake pops, tiny little cakes on the end of a popsicle stick.  She has an Etsy shop, Sarandipity Sweets, where she sells them online.   And perhaps as a testament to how awesome her ideas and her baking are, she's incredibly busy with orders for these delicious little treats.

So I dusted off my recipe for Neatlloaf and sent it off to Sara for her to use as a guest post.  Since the From Blah to Ta-Daa blog always includes pictures of the recipe results poor Alycia had to suffer through a dinner of homemade Neatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy all for the sake of furthering my burgeoning online writing career.  Poor dear.  She was so distraught and suffered so mightily for the sake of my blogging that she went back for seconds.  And thirds.  She's such a trooper.


Sara said...

Ha - I had to go open up all those old posts to see the Rory photos, lol :) You did a stellar job with your post, thank you so, so much!!!

El Gaucho said...

Thanks. It was a lot of fun, though I must say that my food photography skills are quite lacking. Possibly it would have been better to find a more photogenic dish.

lifeshighway said...

Where are the vegetables? Now I must scoot off and read your guest post.

lifeshighway said...

Ok, forget the previous comment or perhaps let it hang as a mystery for others to discover.