Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Howdy Again

Hello there faithful followers.  We've gone through another quiet period on the blog for a few reasons, mostly a combination of mild writers block and lack of any noteworthy events around the homestead.  Days have been spent in a typical routine of pancake making, working, coffee cup embracing, dog walking, book reading, and basketball playing (Mon, Wed, and Fri at the local gym). 

It seems hard to generate the gusto to write a blog entry when each day blends into the previous one, and how many times do you want me to tell you that "it was -18 degrees today and the mucous froze on the inside of my nose after 11 seconds outside"?  So at the behest of a reader (this is for you Brian, now get back to work), I'm composing this entry even though I don't have a whole lot to say. 

I did want to pass along one cool link.  Longtime Deaf Dog blog follower and awesome baker Sara is participating in a cool new cooking blog -"From Blah to Ta-Daa" with some interesting recipes.  So far many of the recipes are for deserts (I feel this is an asset not a liability) which is fine with me.  Sara's first recipe is for Valentines Day sugar cookies, and I think I'll test out to see if the recipe translates into gluten free and Alycia can get some tasty cookies for Valentines Day.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh gosh, you're too good to me! Thanks for the link love!